Whats going on in Keelby Village Hall.
News from Keelby Village Hall October 2024
September saw the start of a busier period for the Village Hall after the end of holidays.
We have seen a number of improvements to the Hall over the last few months. The first and most vital was the repair of part of the roof that was leaking and necessitated the use of buckets when it rained. This old asbestos roof was replaced by a safe insulated modern roof.
It was made possible by a grant from West Lindsey District Council’s Community grant scheme and a grant from ACRE Platinum Jubilee fund which also helped fund a new electrical consumer unit to increase electrical capacity and bring the building up to the latest safety standards.
Also installed was a new oven for general use but mainly to support the monthly Luncheon Club for older people. Luncheon Club gave a donation towards the cooker as did a local charity.
Events in the Hall.
9th Village Hall Open Day 10am – 2pm
Look round the Village Hall
Talk to regular hirers
Look round the Rifle Range
Join/Rejoin the 200 Club for 2025
Refreshments available
23rd The Budapest Cafe Orchestra
Concert starts 7:45pm
Bar open from7:00pm CASH ONLY
Tickets £20
from Brian Thompson Tel: 07745 542390
26th November @ 2.30
Mavis’s fabulous cream teas.
Cake stall, raffle and home baked goodies.
7th Pensioners Party 4pm – 8pm
14th Twinning Christmas Party
Regular Groups
Jade Dancefever Children’s Dance 4:30 – 6pm
Parish Council First Tuesday of the month 7.00pm
Village Hall Committee Meeting Second Tuesday of the month 7.00pm
Luncheon Club for Seniors Monthly, for availability contact Mavis or pom, see website for details.
W.I. Second Wednesday of the month 7.30 – 9pm
Gong Space Fourth Wednesday of the month 6.30 – 8.30pm
Circuits 6.30 – 7.30pm
GKR Karate All ages 6.30 – 8.30pm
The Village Hall is available to book for many different functions, including Weddings, Christenings, Funeral teas, parties for adults and children, Craft markets etc.
Use of the Kitchen and Garden are included with the Main Hall.
Smaller rooms are available for meetings.
There is also a full sized snooker table for hire.
CONTACT FRED ON 07305184389 or 01469 560492

Coming Soon – Keelby pantomime, laughs a plenty

The Pensioners party, a terrific evening out.